Posts Tagged ‘erotic’

TidBits #1

When is your favorite enema time? Do you even have one?

I am often limited to finding the perfect star alignment, much to my chagrin.  Having not eaten too recently, have enough energy, not have much to do afterward, and simply having the spare time to devote to said favorite fun!

Typically around mid-week I’m pining away for my can or bag: sitting at my desk day dreaming about round, reddened rumps raised into the air.  The random enema and spanking porn searches online might be required to help with my visualization diversity…

By the weekend I’m often too worn out and just trying to make it through those work days!  So I’ve come to embrace the mid-week evening enema playtime: get home, unwind, shower, enema, small dinner, sudoku, jack off with the vibrator, then off to lala sleepy time with Pandi and Papa.

Tell me, what’s your most typical enema routine?